Tuesday, September 21, 2010

How would you approach your boss regarding..(please read on)?

I am in a position where I oversee a lot of financial activities and I report directly to the owner. One of our GM's hired an employee about 6 weeks ago. This person is compensated hourly, but has missed at least 7 full days of work, been late several times and left early a lot. They are in charge of doing the payroll for their division, including their own paycheck (I know that's dumb, but it isn't my idea!). This person in the last (Biweekly) pay period not only paid themself for 80 hours, but also an hour of overtime. I know that 3 1/2 days were missed that pay period. This pay period they have paid themself for 80 hours, I know for fact that the max this person worked was 57-58 hours.

I talked to the GM about this and he just shrugged his shoulders, like it wasn't a big deal. The funny part about that, is he let the last person go for overpaying themself! The GM knows I see all. I hate to be a nark, but it's my job.

I'm just not sure how to approach the boss.